
Who we are

Basingstoke NeighbourCare was formed as a registered charity in 1997 to provide an accompanied transport service to those in genuine need in our community and, in 2010, a befriending facility was formally established.  We are a key resource which enables people to stay independent and remain in their own homes for longer.

In 2013 Basingstoke NeighbourCare further enhanced its legal status by registering as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation under the governance of the Charity Commission.

We currently help over 992 people in the local community and are supported by a hard-working, friendly, well organised and dedicated team of trustees, office staff, fund raisers and volunteers.

We continue to seek new people who need our help; new volunteers to join us as drivers or befrienders; new sponsors who can offer either donations or help by providing services for the charity; and people interested in becoming trustees, to take an active role in taking the charity forward.

At Basingstoke NeighbourCare we are focused on doing our very best to support those in genuine need in the community we serve.

  • Our role in the community Open or Close

    We support clients by providing a transport service to those who are unable to use other forms of public transport, e.g. for older or infirm people, or those who need a little help with mobility.  This includes transporting people to medical appointments and therapy sessions, providing trips to visit a loved one, helping them to the library, taking them to older persons’ clubs, or simply taking them shopping. Some of our volunteers are able to assist with clients’ wheelchairs.

    We also offer a befriending service for lonely and isolated members of the community. Befrienders are volunteers who are matched carefully with clients who are in need of company or help with reading or form filling.

    We run weekly Community Cafes in Basingstoke and Tadley, providing a friendly and relaxed place for older people to get together over a cuppa and a slice of cake. We also have handyman and gardening services for those who need some help around the home or garden.

    Our volunteers devote anything from an hour a week to a couple of hours a day to assist our clients and we know from the feedback and comments we receive from clients and their families that our service really makes a difference to the lives of the people they help.

    We rely on our team of dedicated volunteers to provide our services and it is the community spirit that they possess which enables us to deliver a high quality service in a low key way.

  • Some of our Trustees Open or Close

    We are a strong team of volunteers and staff and each have our roles:

    Our Patron

    ladyThe Countess of Portsmouth

    “I was invited to become Patron of Basingstoke NeighbourCare in 1997 when it first began, and I realised immediately what a wonderful charity it is because its work is true charity – volunteers putting ‘Love thy Neighbour’ into action.
    I’ve seen NeighbourCare grow and grow, from a tiny operation in the beginning, with just a few volunteers and clients, to the organisation that helps many hundreds of people a year today.
    There have been highs and lows – worrying times when we thought we might go under; money is always the problem.  But the need for NeighbourCare’s services is always there and somehow, with determination and sometimes sheer stubbornness, we have survived.


    The Trustees 

    Geoff Belsham Geoff Belsham - Chair

    Geoffrey joined the charity as a volunteer driver in 2006 and was appointed Secretary in 2021. Having worked in IT within the insurance industry for most of his working life, he has now retired and lives with his family in a village near Basingstoke. 
    Geoff writes “Since 1969, In addition to helping at Neighbourcare, I have volunteered for the local Mencap charity performing various trustee roles. In addition, I am the church secretary and a lay preacher at a local Baptist chapel.”


    peterPeter Robson – Secretary

    Peter has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Leeds University and worked for a multinational company for 25 years before joining the charity sector as a fundraiser for Action for Blind People, the Firefighters Charity and  Pelican Cancer Foundation. Peter looks for opportunities that provide extra income for NeighbourCare.




    Clive - Trustee

    Clive moved to Basingstoke in 1980 and for many years worked in the tax department of a local paper manufacturing company, before retiring in July 2020.

    Clive writes – “Upon retirement as well as pursuing my interests in golf, tennis and walking, I wanted to devote some time to local voluntary organisations. In addition to being a driver for NeighbourCare, I collect food for Community Food Link and I am a path warden for Hampshire Countryside Service.”


    Carol - Treasurer

    Carol is a qualified accountant who has worked in finance-related roles for various companies, Carol moved to Basingstoke in 1990. On retiring from work she wanted to do something that would help the community, and became a volunteer driver with NeighbourCare in 2021, and Treasurer in 2023. Carol also sings with, and is treasurer of, a local amateur choir, enjoys gardening and visiting heritage locations.



    Steve - Trustee

    Brought up on a farm in Somerset, Steve moved to Basingstoke in 2012 after a career in Tropical Agriculture, which took him to live in places like Papua New Guinea, Uganda, and Philippines and Solomon Is, as well as consultancy work across all the continents. 

    After retiring, Steve has been active as a Tennis Administrator and joined NeighbourCare as a volunteer driver in 2019. He enjoys taking our clients to appointments across North Hampshire and West Berkshire, and loves sharing stories with them on route to all sorts of destinations. He returned to our Trustee team in 2024 after a two-year sabbatical.


  • Our Team Open or Close

     Kirsty - Community Project Leader

    Enthusiastically organises our cafés and handyperson and gardening service.


    Melissa - Driving Team Leader

    Every day I am humbled and amazed by the dedication and compassion that my team and our volunteers demonstrate.  Whether it's taking time to have a chat or bringing in their shopping, our car drivers go above and beyond every day.  Our whole team give reassurance, comfort and security to every person they come into contact with. To chat about how you could help, please contact Melissa on 01256 423855 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Sarah - Befriending Coordinator

    It is fantastic to see the impact that our amazing volunteers have on the lives of the people they befriend. Too many older people in our community are lonely and socially isolated. Our volunteers offer them vital companionship. Please contact me, Sarah, for more information about our Befriending Service contact Sarah on 01256 423867 or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Nicola - Driving Coordinator

    I am very fortunate to work for NeighbourCare.  We have such lovely clients who are helped by our team of dedicated Volunteers. A trip out to a medical appointment can be the highlight of a client's day.  A time to chat and put the world to rights.  It is an honour to make these arrangements for our clients."



  • What people say about NeighbourCare Open or Close

    “I would like to endorse NeighbourCare as a very worthwhile service which fulfils a demand.

    The work which is undertaken by the charity to help those in need in the community is so important for wellbeing and quality of life for so many people.”

    Elaine Still

    Hampshire County Councillor


    Client Feedback

    We have been helping him since July 2022 taking him to the Memory Club. His daughter-in-law says it is the highlight of his week.  His family do not live locally so without us he would not be able to attend and are very grateful for our help. - Mr R.


    After taking her to two appointments in Southampton, she especially phoned our coordinators to pass on her thanks to our volunteer driver, for being an excellent driver and his lovely company. She felt very reassured in his company. - Mrs H.


    Mrs. B was referred by a social prescriber and is 88, housebound due to mobility problems, macular degeneration, a diabetic and struggles with depression. Though she was feeling low when our coordinator made the first home visit, the coordinator got her to talk about her amazing family and children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, as well as her adventures visiting her twin who emigrated to Canada some 50 years ago. Mrs. B has been matched up with a female Befriender, who visits her in her lunch break. They have a great hour or so each Wednesday and often enjoy a game of cards, teaching each other new games. These weekly visits are very much helping to overcome her social isolation, as well as helping to stabilise her depression. - Mrs B.


    From a driver

    "I took Mrs B to a doctor's appointment at Crown Heights. I accompanied her from the car park, up the steps, corridors and lifts to the surgery where I sat with her in the waiting room while we waited for her appointment. On the way back in the car Mrs B said she had been dreading the day, particularly as she had hardly been out for months. However, she said because of our service, and also the fact that the doctor was very nice, she had enjoyed the day and it had turned into a bit of an outing for her."

    From people attending our cafés

    “Thank you so much for putting on such a lovely event, it has been a really great morning.”

    “What a wonderful morning – thank you! It was fantastic time – thank you for all your hard work and all that you do for us. We really appreciated it.”

    “What an amazing time we have had – thank you very much for everything.”

    “It was great fun, I really enjoyed myself, thank you."


    From users of our Handyperson Service

    “We are absolutely delighted with the work that your handyperson has done. We are booking him to come back and power wash the patio for us too.”

    “He has done a very good job on the fence; I am so pleased with his work. I shall be recommending him to others. Thank you.”

    “He went out of his way to fix the problem. I can’t thank him enough for all that he has done.”

    “He has made a brilliant free-standing handrail by the patio door. Now I can go out into the back garden without the fear of falling”.

    "Your handyperson has done such a good job. I am so pleased. I have told all my friends.”

    "We can’t thank NeighbourCare’s handyperson enough for the time and effort he put into sorting the doors out for us. Thank you.”

    “I am so pleased with the work your handyperson has done. Thank you.”

    After a visit by a gardener

    “I am really pleased with all the work the gardener did yesterday. I will be calling upon your services again in the autumn time when the leaves need clearing up.”

    “He is a lovely chap; he is doing such a good job in the garden, and I really look forward to seeing him each week. Thank you.”

    “It was so nice to get the garden straight again. We love her coming in each week. Thank you.”

    “NeighbourCare are such a help. They came out to help me get my garden straight, as I just can’t manage to do this and look after my husband. And I said I had a few odd jobs, which the handyman came and sorted as well. It’s fantastic all they do. Thank you.”

    “I didn’t think I would ever have to call on your gardening service, but it’s nice knowing that there are such things, when you need them. Thank you for all you have done for me.”

    “It’s so nice to work alongside my gardener. The other week we sat with a cup of tea and planned all that we were going to do together. I love her coming each week and helping achieve what I want to in the garden. You just don’t know what this means to me.”

    From a café volunteer

    “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to volunteer. I really love helping on Tuesday morning."

Contact Us


01256 423855


Our Office


Basingstoke NeighbourCare,

The Orchard, White Hart Lane

Basingstoke, RG21 4AF